
Meeting today’s business challenges

With emerging applications on the cloud, the explosion of mobility, and the convergence of computing, businesses across industries are experiencing new pressures as well as opportunities. New Detroit Electric is helping organizations effectively manage their application portfolio through customizable applications and services.

AI & Deep Learning Applications

Discover the potential of deep learning and find out what has become possible with recent advancements in artificial intelligence and data analytics.  

New Detroit Electric develops deep learning models specific to your business needs. We use open-standard framework to design, develop and implement applications and services to solve challenging and complex problems using Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. 


Autonomous Applications

City populations are growing rapidly and our transport systems are feeling the pressure. With so many people tugging on the same resources, the need for smarter solutions has never been greater.

New Detroit Electric helps in simplifying and accelerating the development, evaluation, and implementation of Specialty Autonomous Vehicles applications and services.

New Detroit Electric is actively engaged in developing Autonomous Vehicle Applications using open source platforms.  

Image Sensing & Recognition Applications

In many current applications, 3D vision and object sensing enables intelligent actions that increase safety, productivity and enable new user-interactions. The performance of these applications is however still severely limited by the capabilities of the cameras (distance range, image resolution, accuracy, background noise, the speed of acquisition).

New Detroit Electric is developing software applications and services that support robotic vision and autonomous vehicle guidance (AVG). These applications will help to identify and enable obstacle detection, avoidance, safety, human-level intelligence and precision.


IoT Applications

The way we experience and interact with devices is changing. New Detroit Electric helps in giving new life to existing applications by enabling companies to easily connect applications to their gadgets, devices, sensors, enterprise data, and cloud services.

New Detroit Electric uses open source platforms to design and develop complete IoT applications and services that deliver innovative approach for the users.

Our key IoT focus areas are Smart Parking, Smart Lighting and Smart Logistics.

Application Maintenance & Support

To remain competitive, organizations need to ensure that their applications are working effectively and efficiently, supporting all of their unique business requirements and needs.

New Detroit Electric offers a full range of application maintenance and support services to ensure business continuity, trust and long-term value.


Focus Sectors

New Detroit Electric is focused on developing applications and services with deep customer insights and end user inputs that helps accelerate innovation, increase productivity, reduce cost, and optimize asset utilization.

Automotive & Transportation
Government & Public Sector
Power & Utilities
Finance & Insurance
Technology & Media

What's Next?

New Detroit Electric is always looking to talk to people about new projects and opportunities. Reach out to us using the form to share your project details and needs. We’ll make sure it gets in the right hands and have a representative contact you to get the conversation started.

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